Wednesday 12 March 2008

Gehaakte stermotieven - Eva Behrens

Years ago I owned a book called: Gehaakte stermotieven, by Eva Behrens (crocheted star motivs). I loved it. For some years now its gone. I have been searching for it for ages now, didn't think of searching online, today I did. So I got lucky. I found it in a few Dutch places. One place was, but there the 2nd hand sellers won't send outside of Holland. So that didn't make me too happy. Then I started a search on and found it 2x times there. So I have e-mailed the first seller with the question whether she will sell it to me and send to the UK. Hopefully she will. Somehow I really hate it when books that I love disappear just like that.
But then, with our move more things disappeared, which I really hate. I do wonder how this can happen. A whole box I could understand, but one thing only? Or just 2 things, that doesn't make any sense.
Hopefully no moving in the next couple of years.

Myrthestiek said...

Hoi Diana,

dat zijn echte mysteries van verhuizen, ik ken ze maar al te goed ;o).
Mocht het rechtstreeks versturen naar de UK niet lukken dan kan het altijd wel via mij; moet je maar even laten weten dan.

Groetjes Tessa

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